RAC Tough One – Makro Water Table Helpers needed

On Sunday 22nd November, the RAC Tough One is being run.

Doug Jones has arranged that Makro sponsors the 22km water table (at the corner of Milner and Bayswater in Ferndale).

If you are not running and are willing to give something back to the club, your help at the water table will be greatly appreciated.

The RAC Wednesday night running group will be helping man (and woman) the water table and would appreciate any help that the Bombers can provide.


3 Responses

  1. Hi Iano

    It appears that I have given the impression that this is a Makro sponsored event…it is not, I am afraid. This was meant to be a Wednesday night running group initiative. I will try to get some support from our business but can’t commit.

    I’m about to send out more details.



  2. I can help for a couple of hours. Frantically marking exam scripts so unfortunately can’t offer to do more than that.

    Sent from my Samsung device

    • Hi Julie

      That would be great! If you could get to the table any time from 07:00 and help as long as you can, that would be awesome!


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